In 2023, the global demand for photovoltaic market is still growing 2023-08-02

Recently, solarbe global released a list of the top 20 PV module suppliers for the first half of 2023. Among them, Jinko Solar is far ahead with an installed capacity of 30-31GW. Trina Solar and LONGI Solar both have 27-28GW of shipment, tied for second place. Fourth place is 24-25GW of cargo volume of JASOLAR. CanadianSolar, in fifth place, has about 14GW of shipment. There is only a small gap between sixth and seventh place, 11.7GW of Risen and 11.5GW of ASTRONERGY respectively. In eighth place is TWSOLAR with 11-12GW of shipment capacity.

According to this ranking, we can clearly see that the development of the global photovoltaic market is still growing. The global photovoltaic industry has high development potential, and the demand for products supporting the photovoltaic industry chain remains high. The development of the global photovoltaic market has shown a positive trend, and is supported and promoted by national policies. At present, Xiamen HQ Mount has the most comprehensive solar brackets in the industry, which is suitable for various types of ground solar brackets, rooftop photovoltaic brackets, solar balcony brackets, solar carport, etc., and we are constantly developing and improving solar bracket accessories. like solar rails,solar roof mounting hook,solar mid/side clamp,solar hanger bolt and so on. If you have photovoltaic support project installation needs, please feel free to contact us!
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